This Saturday’s show finds our protagonists marching into their films two by two: Matt Damon and Michael Douglas’s Liberace are lovers in Behind The Candelabra, Steven Soderbergh’s tale of public faces and glittering facades; a hostile home world comes between Will Smith and his son in science fiction drama After Earth; Gemma Arterton and Saoirse Ronan are vampire mother and daughter in Neil Jordan’s lyrical horror Byzantium; and Populaire finds romance in the typing pool as blue eyed business man Romain Duris takes a shine to secretary Deborah Francois.
Plus Cambridge Film Festival’s Sarah McIntosh went to Cannes to look at short films, but came back with an interview with Troma Studio’s Lisbeth Kaufman and Asta Maria Paredes.
Host Toby Miller is joined by regular reviewers Sarah McIntosh, Kim Boyd, Simon West and Dave Riley.
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