If you’re thinking of contributing to community radio in Cambridge, please give this page a read first.
At the present time, Cambridge Radio is specifically looking for:
- Daytime Presenters [with weekday availability between 09.30 and 18.00] who know their music and Cambridge. Our Daytime shows include music aimed at 35+, local news and interviews.
- One-hour genre-based music shows that reflect the diverse nature of Cambridge and South Cambs including Classical Music.
- New feature programmes
- Help with improving our social media.
- Newsreaders/Reporters
- People to work behind the scenes on streaming and podcasts
- Fundraising & Business Skills
We are always looking for volunteers, both in front of the microphone and behind the scenes.
You don’t need experience, just an ability to communicate, and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and take part in all areas of the station’s activities.
You might start helping out on one of our regular shows and should you need training, we’ll give you a helping hand.
Got an Idea?
If you have a show idea, we will ask you to submit a written proposal to the Editorial Lead.
Consider what would make your show stand out from the rest of the Cambridge Radio schedule. If you can bring something different your proposal will be more attractive to the Cambridge Radio audience. Try to make your show appeal to potential sponsors, or even secure a sponsor in advance. This will help bring essential revenue to the station to keep not just your show, but the entire station on the air.
Informational and speech-based programme ideas are usually given higher consideration for inclusion in the schedule, as these help Cambridge Radio meet the station’s broadcasting requirements as laid out by the media regulator Ofcom.
What happens if my proposal is approved?
If your proposal is approved, the programming team will assist in ensuring you get the appropriate training and the opportunity to produce a pilot programme. A successful pilot, whether approved straight away, or approved after alterations following feedback, will then be considered for a position in the schedule.
Once approved, some shows may well end up in a twilight slot, being broadcast late at night or in the small hours of the morning. This will allow programme-makers to master their craft, before being considered for a more prominent position in the schedule at a later date. This is a very similar process to the rest of the radio industry, whose new talent often have to start at the bottom and work their way up.
If for some reason you know you’re not going to be able to be in the studio to do your show live, it is possible to pre-record your show in advance. Cambridge Radio has plenty of pre-recorded programmes that show producers produce either at the station, or at home.
Why do Cambridge Radio follow this process?
Cambridge Radio believes this to be the fairest possible process that gives all show producers the opportunity to produce fantastic radio for the community.
As the community radio station for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, it’s important that we authentically represent those living in our area, whatever their background, orientation, colour or creed. In order to help us achieve this, we’re keen to increase our diversity, on and off air, and will work with local organisations to achieve this.
Voluntary Donations
We ask everyone (listeners, volunteers and other community groups) to consider making a regular donation to Cambridge Radio. The funding restrictions that Ofcom places upon community radio stations means that we are restricted to the amount of commercial, on-air related revenue we can raise. Therefore, we do rely on funding from other sources – such as grant funding and donations.
Donations can be made via Standing Order or Local Giving. Our suggested monthly donation is £15, please give more if you feel you are able to and help keep us on the air.