Google Calendar is a popular way for people to keep in touch with what their friends or business colleagues are doing. At Cambridge 105 we use Google Calendars to run our schedule pages, book time in Studio B and manage guests.
If you’re a member of the Daytime team you’ve probably been asked to join the 105 Guests calendar. We need to keep this up to date to ensure we don’t double book a guest – or have two different speakers talking about the same subject on consecutive days/shows – and to manage the production of podcasts.
(Guests will sometimes think it clever not to mention they’ve already been booked by another show!)
Signing into Google Calendar is straightforward. The best way is via your web browser.
If you already have a Google Account, sign in. If you don’t have one yet, click Create an account (This needs to be the address you’ll be using, a personal address, not the one used by the newsteam). If you’d rather manage the calendar from a different address ask Julian or Tim.
Once you sign in, you’ll be taken to Google Calendar.
You Create a new event using the Link top left.
Enter the Name and organisation (if appropriate) of your guest. Ensure the Drop down menu under Calendar is displaying 105 Guests. Click Save.
You’re Done!
Your guest booking will now be visible to those who have access to the shared calendar.