17 JunThu
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01 Jul

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge BreakfastListen Again
From today Mill Road Bridge is only accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. Julian Clover & Leigh Chambers hear from Pam Wesson who runs Fantasia and Petersfield Councillor Linda Jones. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
From today Mill Road Bridge is only accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. Julian Clover & Leigh Chambers hear from Pam Wesson who runs Fantasia and Petersfield Councillor Linda Jones. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo present a fresh blend to start your day with essential news, weather and travel. Plus entertainment and what's happening in the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

09:30 - 13:00 Suzie Thorpe
Suzie brings you local people, local places and the best music. Programme Website

13:00 - 16:00 Rob Godfrey
Rob is across the city and South Cambridgeshire rob-godfrey Programme Website

16:00 - 18:00 Neil Whiteside
Neil rounds up the day with guests from around the City and South Cambridgeshire, the latest from the Cambridge Newsdesk, and some fabulous music. Programme Website

18:00 - 19:00 105 Sport Special
On this week's 105 Sport Special, Ollie Slack is joined by two winners of the 2020 Cambs FA Grassroots Awards; Stacey Fullicks and Simon Rose. Jose Lima discusses Cambridge Futsal Club's split with Cambridge United and Dan Sewell and Nicole Ranier launch Cambridge's first all-ladies baseball side, the Cambridge Valkyries. Programme Website

18:00 - 19:00 105 Sport Special
Ollie Slack presents sporting comment from across the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

19:00 - 21:00 The New Music GeneratorListen Again
Tim Willett presents Cambridge 105 Radio's flagship show dedicated to local and unsigned music featuring a live session or studio interview each week, the latest Unsigned Chart and we look ahead to the big gigs taking place over the coming week. Programme Website

19:00 - 21:00 The New Music GeneratorListen Again
Tim Willett presents Cambridge 105 Radio's flagship show dedicated to local and unsigned music featuring a live session or studio interview each week, the latest Unsigned Chart and we look ahead to the big gigs taking place over the coming week. Programme Website

23:00 - 00:00 Evening Under Lamplight
Robert-Louis Abrahamson presents Greek myths, hero Journeys, pithy poems and stories from all over the place. And a smattering of music too. Programme Website
17 JunThu
18 JunFri
19 JunSat
20 JunSun
21 JunMon
22 JunTue
23 JunWed
24 JunThu
25 JunFri
26 JunSat
27 JunSun
28 JunMon
29 JunTue
30 JunWed
01 Jul
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