04 JunFri
05 JunSat
06 JunSun
07 JunMon
08 JunTue
09 JunWed
10 JunThu
11 JunFri
12 JunSat
13 JunSun
14 JunMon
15 JunTue
16 JunWed
17 JunThu
18 Jun

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo present a fresh blend to start your day with essential news, weather and travel. Plus entertainment and what's happening in the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
In Foodclub we hear from Peas Hill location The Pint Shop, which is launching a new menu. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
In Foodclub we hear from Peas Hill location The Pint Shop, which is launching a new menu. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge BreakfastListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo present a fresh blend to start your day with essential news, weather and travel. Plus entertainment and what's happening in the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

09:30 - 13:00 Suzie ThorpeListen Again
Suzie is here every Thursday morning with music, guests and conversation you'll want to be a part of. Programme Website

13:00 - 16:00 David Hardstaff
David is live every Thursday afternoon with great music and chat. Programme Website

16:00 - 18:00 Neil Whiteside
Neil rounds up the day with guests from around the City and South Cambridgeshire, the latest from the Cambridge Newsdesk, and some fabulous music. Programme Website

18:00 - 19:00 Behind the Bike ShedListen Again
In this week’s grand tour of cycling with Phil Mynott: we find out how we can help to keep others cycling in these challenging times, we chat with the Councillor who is overseeing cycling infrastructure in Cambridgeshire and our guest on a bike this week is a cyclist who has been to both poles and has two sea cucumbers named after him. Programme Website

19:00 - 21:00 O'Reilly Country
Brian O'Reilly presents the hottest country and Americana. Programme Website

19:00 - 21:00 O'Reilly Country
On this weeks O'Reilly Country, Brian is joined by singer songwriter Malcom MacWatt talking about his new EP Hearts & Horizons. Programme Website

21:00 - 23:00 Renegade Rock
Mike rocks the city and South Cambridgeshire with blues, metal, indie, punk and grunge. Programme Website

23:00 - 00:00 Get Heavy
Blaze returns with more tracks and exclusive interviews from the darker side of metal. Programme Website
04 JunFri
05 JunSat
06 JunSun
07 JunMon
08 JunTue
09 JunWed
10 JunThu
11 JunFri
12 JunSat
13 JunSun
14 JunMon
15 JunTue
16 JunWed
17 JunThu
18 Jun
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