26 MayWed
27 MayThu
28 MayFri
29 MaySat
30 MaySun
31 MayMon
01 JunTue
02 JunWed
03 JunThu
04 JunFri
05 JunSat
06 JunSun
07 JunMon
08 JunTue
09 Jun

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

06:00 - 07:00 Brian O'Reilly
Brian presents Early Breakfast with some top tunes and the 6am Starter Question to get you thinking. Travel at 6.20 and 6.40. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge BreakfastListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo present a fresh blend to start your day with essential news, weather and travel. Plus entertainment and what's happening in the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo discuss the future of Cambridge Market with Councillor Rosie Moore. Programme Website

07:00 - 09:30 Cambridge Breakfast with Julian & LucyListen Again
Julian Clover and Lucy Milazzo present a fresh blend to start your day with essential news, weather and travel. Plus entertainment and what's happening in the city and South Cambridgeshire. Programme Website

09:30 - 13:00 Tim & Liz
Tim Willett and Liz Barker are here on Tuesday mornings with great music, conversation and special guests. At 11:30 we hear from folk duo Elizabeth & Jameson on the release of their debut album. Programme Website

09:30 - 13:00 Tim & Liz
Tim Willett and Liz Barker are here on Tuesday mornings with great music, conversation and special guests. Programme Website

16:00 - 18:00 Neil Whiteside
This afternoon Neil will be finding out about the ‘Beyond The Mask’ project at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, in support of the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Programme Website

18:00 - 19:00 What You Might Have Missed
Did the University of Cambridge misjudge the news media when it announced it was taking its lectures online? Sir Christopher Haworth tells us how cycling helped him get back to fitness after illness; how a shop in Newnham is maintaining supplies when the supermarkets can’t; and the Big Band Sound of Down for the Count. Introduced by Julian Clover. Programme Website

18:00 - 19:00 What You Might Have Missed
A weekly look at the big talking points in the city and South Cambridgeshire, along with the guests we've been hearing from on-air. Programme Website

19:00 - 21:00 Chris Brown's Soul & Dance Show
Chris Brown has been presenting his soul show on a Saturday evening in Cambridgeshire for over 30 years. And while Tony Dellar takes a break you can hear Chris on Tuesday evenings as well. Programme Website

21:00 - 23:00 The Rock Show with Neil Jones
Each week Neil presents a mix of the greatest classic rock and metal, the hottest new releases, the latest breaking rock stories, and showcases the very best from the local scene. Tonight's special guests are Swedish band Eclipse. Programme Website

21:00 - 23:00 The Rock Show with Neil Jones
Each week Neil presents a mix of the greatest classic rock and metal, the hottest new releases, the latest breaking rock stories, and showcases the very best from the local scene. Programme Website

23:00 - 00:00 Roundabout with Tony Barnfield
Another chance to hear Sunday's show. Programme Website
26 MayWed
27 MayThu
28 MayFri
29 MaySat
30 MaySun
31 MayMon
01 JunTue
02 JunWed
03 JunThu
04 JunFri
05 JunSat
06 JunSun
07 JunMon
08 JunTue
09 Jun
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