With many different types of guitars, we find out how much more is involved in the sound we get from various models, and whether or not this impacts on the price. Are we just paying for a brand name or the association with a particular musician? Today’s guest is Graham Buxton, a name that local music fans and musicians will recognise from a long musical pedigree. Graham has spent many years advising new musicians as to the pros and cons of each instrument. Neil asks Graham about the kind of guitars that are available. If it is perhaps true that we are paying for a brand, there is a level of quality which is behind the names which accounts towards the price. That is the case whether we’re talking about tools, foods or fashions for example. Hear the Interview with Graham Buxton here, and the whole show below.
Next Show Saturday 2.30pm 25th October 2014 – WW1 – the chemists war
What’s on
- Applications for the Cambridge Science Festival 2015 http://www.cambridgesciencefestival.org/GetInvolved/Participate.aspx
- The Big Biology Day is a one day Science Festival for all ages that celebrates the life sciences and engages everyone with hands-on activities, crafts and displays. Amongst many other activities, you will be able to have a go at dissecting owl pellets, test your brain with mirror writing, discover what cells and mitochondria do…. and get to meet lots of animals. “The Big Biology Day” is at the Hills Road Sixth Form College, from 10am till 4pm Saturday, 18th October
- On October 20th and running until November 2nd, all over Cambridge, we also have the ‘Festival of Ideas.’ This festival includes workshops, activities and lectures celebrating the arts, humanities and social sciences through hundreds of events, many of which are free. Local museums, Art Houses, Theatres and the Cambridge Junction are opening their doors for the festival, and of course, as you might imagine, the range of events is huge. The website, http://www.festivalofideas.cam.ac.uk/events, lists 25 pages of events which cross all fields of scientific interest, although of course, in the best of radio traditions, we have to tell you that other subjects ARE available.
- On Wednesday 22nd October, from 7pm until 9pm, The Cambridge Science Centre presents an evening entitled “The Science of Fiction: Future”. Asking the question “Can fiction predict the future?” The Science Centre will put your questions to best-selling author Alastair Reynolds, futurist Melissa Sterry, astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell and historian Melanie Keene. There’s a recommended donation of £3.00, payable on the evening at the Cambridge Science Centre on Jesus Lane.
- Chain Reaction will be running at the Guildhall in the Market Square in Cambridge on Saturday 22nd November, involving families, schools and local companies who will get stuck into building a huge chain of crazy contraptions that trigger one another around the room and across the stage. Contact the Cambridge Science Centre on Jesus Lane.
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