Looking to include Cambridge Radio branding in your website or publication?
Then you’re in the right place. Below you’ll find multiple versions of the Cambridge Radio logo in different sizes and formats, suitable for web and print. We request that if you are to use our logo, that you only use the ones made available here.
Download Logos and Pictures
Download Presenter Pictures and Images on our Flickr page.
The Logotype used for our name are Bai Jamjuree – Bold Italic and Istok Web – Bold Italic
HEX – #76BE43 CMYK – 58, 1, 100, 0 Pantone – 368C
Banners and Logos

The Cambridge Radio banner is the heart of the radio stations’ visual branding. It clearly states who we are, and what we do. We display it prominently at events, on flyers and on our website. To display it in your website or publication, just right-click and save one of the options below to your computer.
We have a variety of promotional items that we give away when we’re out and about promoting the station, including balloons, badges and car stickers.