A start of a new series on Disability in Cambridge presented by Neil Whiteside. Today MP Julian Huppert joins him on the streets on Cambridge to look at the state of our pavements. … [Read more...]
From the Terraces 02/02/2014
Tom Taylor, Matt Lockwood, Chris O’Donnell and Steve Warne present the fan-based football show that talks all things Cambridge United, Cambridge City, Histon FC and St Neots Town. … [Read more...]
105 Daytime: Best of the Guests (w/c 27/01/14)
In this week's bumper podcast: Merlin Kothari is visited on Monday by Jenny Fox from Water Aid, Linda Ness meets Bev Sedley from Cambridge Carbon Footprint, Merlin chats to James Martin from Winter Comfort, Phil Rowe is joined by Freddy and Gabby from the Cambridge University Gilbert & Sullivan Society and on Friday Merlin talks to local busker … [Read more...]
105 Drive with Julian Clover: Brignell Bookbinders & Entertainment
In the first of our Meet the Neighbours features, Leigh Chambers visits Barry of Brignell Bookbinders. In the Entertainment Hour, the Unsigned Chart Update and film and theatre with Skye Keable and Hatti Simpson featuring Inside Llewyn Davis, Osage Orange County and Blue Stockings. … [Read more...]
New Music Generator: Healyum
Tim Willett presents the first New Music Generator of the year with music from Faint Lines, Mirror Signal, Lost Boys Club, The Berries, The Mojo Slide, Cab Dryver & FutureProof Bedford based trio Healyum play live in the studio - and bring their dog/mascot Mumford with them to meet Tim! In the second hour the Unsigned Chart reveals Healyum … [Read more...]
105 Drive: Jailbreak 2014
Tim Willett speaks to Emma Colliver, President of Cambridge Rag along with Cambridge University students Charlie, Zoe & Phanella who took part in Jailbreak 2014. Zoe and Phanella were the winners this year managing to get to Oman within the 36 hour time limit. … [Read more...]
The Kipper the Cat Show: Rose Bartlett
This weeks Kipper the Cat show sees the debut of The Shellac Collective’s latest 78s DJ Rose Bartlett, joining Darren Harte, Kipper and Greg playing records to be broadcast on your wireless set. Rose is a lover and supplier of all things vintage –management for vintage style parties & events, heirloom bouquets, upcycled furniture, crafts and a … [Read more...]