Hello and welcome to the first October update from Cambridge105. Good news! We now have a permanent home. This has been a long, drawn out process but the end result is a facility that is of low cost, central location, and which represents both the spirit and approach of our community radio station. Our landlord, Cambridge City Council, has been … [Read more...]
September Update
Dear All, it has been sometime since our last update but our silence is certainly not an indication of inactivity, be assured we've been concentrating our efforts and resources in the most productive manner possible. The License To bring everyone up to date, earlier this year we applied to OFCOM for the transfer of the existing Cambridge … [Read more...]
July Update
Dear all, We thought it was time for another update, so.... Most importantly! Ofcom has approved the license transfer from 209radio to Cambridge105 with immediate effect. Due to this being a license transfer we were obliged to start broadcasting immediately upon receipt of the license. We received notification on Monday afternoon that the … [Read more...]
June Update
Dear All, just to bring you up to date with what's happening with Cambridge105: We are still waiting for Ofcom's approval of the transfer of the licence from 209radio. As we all know these things tend to take their time, so rest assured as soon as we know, you will. Some changes have taken place: Sadly, Karl has decided to resign completely … [Read more...]